Benefits of the NeoGraft Hair Transplant

Hair loss is a popular topic of conversation these days in the world of aesthetic medicine, and many hair loss clinics are popping up everywhere across the world now. And because hair loss is such a common issue amongst everyday individuals, hair loss treatment methods like the hair transplant have become a much more popular talking point and not something that’s as shameful and something people care to hide much. If you peruse social media for even a few hours, its not uncommon to see some of your favorite influencers and celebrities speaking on their hair transplant procedures these days and making it known to the world that they’ve actually had this procedure done. And with so many individuals flying to far off destinations like Turkey for hair restoration, its something that needs to be spoken about that the best hair clinic isn’t always the cheapest. Despite how much more the conversation on hair transplants has expanded and how much more men and women across the world know about hair loss in general, there is still quite a bit of misinformation out there. According to Dr. V of Luxury Hair Suites, the best hair loss clinic Queens has to offer, when seeking treatment for hair loss Queens patients should consider a revolutionary method known as the NeoGraft Hair Transplant System. A variation on the traditional hair transplant, this is what is known as an FUE or follicular unit extraction hair transplant method. Any patient who has had it done and many of the experts agree, that it is by far the most effective and the clear superior choice for a hair transplant patient to consider. It is even effective for something like an eyebrow transplant, if that’s something you are interested in. Despite how effective it is however, and how popular it is slowly becoming, many individuals are still uneducated on it. Therefore, in this article, to better educate individuals across NYC, we will be going over some of the most important benefits to know about the NeoGraft hair transplantation system.

The NeoGraft Method
The NeoGraft automated FUE hair transplant system is a highly advanced method that is fully automated, and allows for the high level hair restoration Queens patients want, without many of the unwanted side effects, risks, downtime or recovery period issues that are commonly associated with other hair transplant procedures. According to the team at Luxury Hair Suites, the best hair loss clinic Queens has to offer, when seeking treatment for hair loss Queens patients should consider this method over any other for a number of reasons. It limits the chances of human error by using an automated pneumatic (air pressure) system to extract the hair follicles (follicular units or grafts) – which can help to improve the overall process and provide patients with an overall better outcome.

Higher Quality Follicle Grafts
One of the best things about the NeoGraft hair transplant system is that the follicles aren’t manipulated with forceps or scalpels as they might be with certain traditional procedures. The fact is that the NeoGraft gently and simply removed individual hair follicle grafts and is able to store then within a protective container during the procedure process. This will drastically lower any risks of damaged hair follicles and ensures the overall vitality and strength of the newly grafted hair follicle. With much higher quality hair follicle grafts, the success rates are around 97% for most patients!

Less Invasive and No Linear Scarring
Probably one of the biggest reasons why many patients prefer NeoGraft to any other method of hair transplant is because with the NeoGraft hair transplantation system, patients can avoid the possibility of unwanted post procedure scarring. The older, previous strip method of hair restoration which is done by cutting a section of the scalp from the back of the head, often causes a ton of discomfort and pain, not to mention a much longer recovery period and higher chance of side effects and risks. Plus, this would often result in a scar being left behind after the procedure was done – which can be visible with a short hair cut. NeoGraft gently extracts very small grafts with no visible scarring, even if hair is worn very short. NeoGraft can also be used to reduce the appearance of a scar left behind by a previous strip transplant. A scar reduction treatment can be performed with NeoGraft regardless of whether or not the patient is in need of more hair restoration or not. For more information on NeoGraft and other methods be sure to contact Luxury Hair Suites today.

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