Regardless of their background, hair loss is one of the most common cosmetic concerns amongst both men and women – especially as they begin to advance in age. In fact, according to research done over the past decade or so, over 85% of ALL men will experience some form of hair loss or thinning hair, before their 50th birthday – which is actually very young by today’s standards. And although it’s a lot more rare, some men will even develop thinning hair before they reach the age of 25th birthday, with signs developing as young as their late teens. With such alarming statistics, hair loss has become one of the hottest topic in the world of medicine. And with so many different possible causes it’s difficult to truly pinpoint where an individuals hair loss issues might develop from.

In the hair loss world, the term alopecia is thrown around quite a bit, and many patients truly don’t even know what it means. Simply put, Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss. Alopecia is a type of hair loss in reality, the most common in fact, that can affect both men and women, and while it certainly is more common in those of an advanced age, it can appear at almost any time!

Its important to understand that alopecia is actually an autoimmune disease, in which the patient’s own immune system begins to attack the hair follicle cells. As a result, it damages the vital hair follicles, causing them to fall out – sometimes in large clumps, and in even certain rare instances, all at once! When we discuss alopecia, there are different types of the alopecia, and depending in the type of hair loss a person is suffering from there are a specifically unique set of symptoms and hair loss pattern that goes along with it.

One of the most important things we must understand is that it is impossible to escape your genes, and some individuals are simply programmed to experience hair loss more so than others. In fact, certain hair follicles are even programmed to have a shorter lifespan than others, and while this remains somewhat of a mystery to doctors, as to why exactly this is the case, there are a number of different factors and lifestyle habits that can certainly contribute to and exacerbate your hair loss.


Certain male hormones known as androgens play a key role in hair loss. While they are characterized as male hormones, they are produced in both men and women. At times, an abnormal amount of these hormones can be produced leading to a number of issues including hair loss. This can be known as Androgenic Alopecia. Often times, those who abuse steroids and other hormone replacement methods, will experience hair loss as a possible side effect, as improper use can cause abnormal fluctuations in their hormone levels. For women, medication such as birth control pills and the act of childbirth or pregnancy, are also known to alter hormone levels, causing temporary hair loss.

As we mentioned, its impossible to escape your genetics – especially when it comes to something like hair loss. Hair loss runs in the family, and genes from both the mother and father can cause children to be predisposed to a condition such as male or female pattern baldness.

One of the most comm on factors that contributes to alopecia has got to be stress. The fact is that stress increases cortisol levels, which can cause weight gain and also lead to temporary hair loss.

MEDICATIONS, ILLNESSES & TREATMENTS: One of the most common reasons for hair loss amongst Americans is when it is a side effect of a type of disease they might be suffering home. In addition, unfortunately, there are a number of medications or treatment protocols for certain illnesses and issues that also list hair loss as quite a common side effect as well. Cancer treatment such as chemotherapy, blood thinners, birth control pills and blood pressure medication known as beta-adrenergic blockers, are often known to cause temporary hair loss.

Often, when an individual suffers from hair loss, is because they are consuming a diet that is deficient in certain vitamins and minerals that are necessary for hair growth.

Another common contributing factor for hair loss is the use of certain cosmetic products, whether they are hair products or for the skin and other areas of the face and body, they might use harmful compounds and substances that can cause side effects such as hair loss. These products often contain harmful chemicals that leave hair weak and brittle – too weak to sustain proper growth. Hair procedures & styles – tight braids, use of rollers/curlers, and tight curls, are also known to damage hair. While these circumstances generally lead to temporary hair loss, in more severe instances the scalp can be damaged enough to prevent future growth, even after these products are no longer in use.

For individuals suffering from unwanted hair loss, the NeoGraft Hair Transplant is often an ideal treatment method that can help to restore your hair back to its former glory in no time at all!

For more information on hair loss, be sure to contact Dr. V today.

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