3 Things to Know About the NeoGraft Hair Transplant
Across the world, hair loss is one of the most common issues amongst men and women these days. While it certainly occurs in women as well, the vast majority of hair loss patients are still men and its a common issue that can not only affect your aesthetic appearance, but drastically hamper your overall confidence and self esteem as well. According to the team at Luxury Hair Suites, the best hair loss clinic NYC has in practice, as we age, hair loss can occur for various reasons in men and it can be very emotional and traumatic for us to deal with. Male and female pattern baldness is most often a product of genetics, and occurs due to our hereditary conditions – being passed down from our previous generations onto us. And while there are tons of different treatments out there, many of them simply aren’t nearly as effective as you want them to be, and the ones that might offer some kind of benefit, can often come with a number of unwanted side effects, risks and other issues. This is why many patients are seeking out a procedure such as a HAIR TRANSPLANT QUEENS experts at Luxury Hair Suites recommend this as well. Often times however, one of the major issues with a hair transplant is the fact that it can leave behind unwanted scarring. However, thanks to a revolutionary new form of hair transplant Queens patients can now achieve the hair restoration they want, without the need for any visible scarring – using the NeoGraft Automated Hair Transplantation system! This innovative take on the traditional FUE hair transplant allows both men and women the high quality hair restoration they want, with far fewer side effects, downtime, risks, and without any unwanted scarring. Despite how effective this method is however, many patients simply aren’t as educated on it as they should be. Therefore, in this article, we will be going over some important facts to know about the revolutionary NeoGraft Hair Transplant system.
FDA-Cleared FUE Method
One of the best aspects of the revolutionary NeoGraft Hair Transplant system is that it is the first and only FDA-cleared follicular unit harvesting and implantation system around today. According to the team at Luxury Hair Suites, the best hair clinic NYC has in practice, the follicular unit harvesting method of FUE method is by far the preferred form of hair transplant NYC patients can have done today. When it comes to hair restoration Queens experts at Luxury Hair Suites prefer this method over all others, for a number of different reasons. The most advanced technique in the hair transplant industry, this method works by removing individual hair follicles from the scalp in groupings of 1-4 hairs and then are implanted in the areas of the scalp where balding has occurred.
Great for Revision Transplants
One of the best parts about the NeoGraft Hair transplantation system is that its a great option for patients who have already had a hair transplant and are looking to have another one, to enhance the results they may be unhappy with the first time around. In addition, many patients who have had a previous hair transplant that may be suffering from unwanted scarring, and the NeoGraft method if a great option for hiding the previous hair transplants scarring and the linear lines that were left behind.
Minimal Discomfort & Downtime
Another great reason patients choose the NeoGraft hair transplant system over other methods is because it is far less invasive, despite being more effective, than other hair transplant options. This often means that patients can get the same high level hair restoration results they want, with much less downtime, a much shorter recovery period, and far less discomfort and associated pain or risks. This is because no scalpel is involved at all! Patients have the procedure performed under local anesthetic, and there is no intravenous or intra-muscular sedation required at all. Because the recovery time is so short, most patients can go back to work the next day after the treatment! While they might have to avoid certain activities they would normally be able to take part in and might not have their hair look its best at the time, this is a revelation in the world of hair transplant surgery. For more information on the NeoGraft treatment or to have your consultation be sure to contact Luxury Hair Suites today.